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The Ultimate Solution for the iGaming Industry

Increase your ARPU and reduce your churn with our gamified and competitive technology.

Our Solutions

OC® Competition
Enhance player engagement
Jackpot aggregator
OC® Jackpot aggregator
Combines bets from users across multiple casinos into a single, global jackpot
OC® Gamification
Increase retention and revenue
OC® Management
Drive better business decisions

Results with OC SaaS

Increase in retention
Increase in session time
Quick and easy setup
Overlay: no code solution
Scalability: regardless of players volume
Ongoing Support: Knowledge transfer
Tap Tap the Ball
Shape Switch
Color Wheel
Warrior Escape
Sweet Sugar Candy
Widely used across several client games by over 500,000 unique users


Solving Industry Problems

No waiting queues (asynchronous), rivals based on ELO are optional
Compete for the highest score
Based on matchmakings

Enhacing Engagement with


Increase session time and net gaming revenue
Engage players with attractive incentives
Participate in raffles with soft currency for exciting prices
User Friendly Manager
User Friendly Manager
Easy configuration tool for better retention management


OC SaaS is fully compliant while driving revenue

Manage through our admin panel
Gain insights to drive better business decisions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is matchmaking and how does it work in a slot game?
Asynchronous matchmaking automatically pairs players against another opponent without waiting times, based on the amount wagered. The player with the highest score in the slot wins both wagers.

Example: Player A pays the entry fee and plays a game at 12:00, scoring 1000 points. Later, Player B is matched with Player A, pays the entry fee, and plays the same game, scoring 1200 points. Their scores are compared, and Player B wins the match and the pot, which is the sum of both entry fees minus the relevant commission. This allows continuous competition against another person without the need for simultaneous play. The entire process is 100% automatic.
What are tournaments and how do they work in slots?
Tournaments are events with a start and end date, where users play multiple games to climb the leaderboard. The prize table is fully customizable. At the end of the tournament, prizes are automatically distributed based on each player's position. This format allows for larger and more attractive competitions. There are four types of tournaments: matchmaking tournaments, highest score, cumulative score, and brackets.

Matchmaking Tournaments:
Players face off against random opponents in the tournament as many times as they want. Users are ranked based on their win-loss ratio against other players.

Highest Score Tournaments:
With each entry, the player makes a new attempt in the slot. If the user's score is better than the last, it is overwritten; otherwise, the best score is retained.

Cumulative Score Tournaments:
Each game adds up the scores, allowing the player who plays the most to accumulate more points and thus rank higher on the leaderboard.

Bracket Tournaments:
Classic fixed-round tournaments. In each round, players advance through brackets based on their performance. The tournament culminates in a final round for the main prizes.
What is Gamification and what systems are included in slot games?
Gamification aims to encourage daily user engagement and provide reasons for users to spend more time in each session. We offer missions and raffles for this purpose.
What are missions and how do they work?
Players receive daily missions such as "Participate N times in a Slot" or "Win N matches in a Slot". Completing these missions automatically rewards them with real or virtual prize coins.
What are raffles and how do they work?
Players buy raffle tickets with the desired currency, and at the scheduled time, the prizes assigned to the raffle are drawn among the participants. Players with more coins used have a higher chance of winning the jackpot being raffled.
Services for multiple casinos, aggregators, and developers.
If you distribute your technology in multiple casinos, whether you're a game developer, distributor, or service aggregator, we offer a unique service. The Jackpot Aggregator allows you to control the network, manage cash inflows and outflows, and offer a giant jackpot, making your games much more attractive to casinos compared to the competition.
What is a Jackpot Aggregator and how does it work?
The Jackpot Aggregator allows bets from different casinos to be combined into a global jackpot. This enables betting between users from different casinos, whether in matchmaking or tournaments. Each play on the connected slots contributes to this common pool, allowing for larger prizes. For example, if three casinos use the same Jackpot Aggregator, the players' bets from all three are combined to form a single large jackpot.

Offering more attractive jackpots improves player retention and increases the demand for your services. Additionally, allowing matchups with players from other casinos gives the player the impression of a large volume of users and bets, making it a more complete entertainment package.
What is white label technology and how is it used?
White label technology allows operators to use our SaaS without players or other stakeholders seeing the underlying infrastructure. Only the scores and user/player IDs are needed to automate all functionalities. The functionalities are managed through a dashboard, allowing efficient and discreet handling of the features they wish to integrate.
How is the connection to the OC SaaS API?
With an API key, access is provided to a unified service that combines all products. The administration panel facilitates access to a wide range of games and gamification tools from a single integration. This includes managing tournaments and jackpot promotions.